After a divorce, does the court always divide the property of the parties equally?

Recent articles have largely dealt with the issue of division of joint property after divorce of the parties. We have tried to introduce you to the essence of property division, methods of property division and other issues relating and closely related to the above topic. In today’s article, we would like to answer a frequently […]


Today’s article will focus entirely on the topic of the division of joint property of spouses after a divorce has been declared between them. As you know, it happens very often that the parties decide to dissolve the marriage that unites them. Spouses then face the need to answer the question of how to divide […]

Division of property and cross-border marriage

Currently, our world is increasingly globalized and the process is constantly evolving. This is noticeable in every aspect of life, including cross-border marriages. Nowadays, we often encounter a situation in which marriage is entered into by people from different corners of the world. Of course, as in any marriage, the fate of the parties may […]

Shared custody

Shared custody is recently a method of custody of minors in the event of the divorce of parents, which has been ruled by the courts with increasing frequency. It should be noted that in Polish legislation this institution is not one of the best developed. Below we will try to explain to you what we […]

Benefits of mediation in divorce proceedings

In today’s article, we would like to introduce you to the benefits of ending a dispute in a divorce case through mediation. First of all, let’s start by explaining what mediation actually is. We classify mediation as an out-of-court method of resolving disputes and conflicts between parties. Mediation is an attempt to resolve a dispute […]


In today’s post, we would like to highlight what a community interview is, what role a community interview plays in divorce proceedings, when a court can order one, whether it is mandatory to conduct one, and who is authorized to conduct one.   According to the regulation introduced by the legislator, a community interview is […]

An action for child support in a country of wrongful parental abduction

The topic of today’s article relates to the landmark judgment handed down by the Court of Justice of the European Union on May 12, 2022, in the case pending under case number C-644/20.   The case originated in a Polish court. The siblings, who were both Polish and British citizens, brought an action against their father […]

Divorce and division of joint property

In today’s article we would like to present you the most important issues concerning divorce and division of joint property in Poland.  First of all, it should be pointed out that no spouse may request division of the joint property during the period of statutory cohabitation. To begin with, as a rule the parties’ joint […]

Proceedings for the return of a child under the Hague Convention

In today’s article we would like to present what you need to do, what documents you need to prepare and to which authority you need to go to in order to start the procedure for the return of a child under the Hague Convention. At the beginning it should be noted that proceedings  under the […]