Proceeding for confirmation or granting of Polish citizenship
Acquisition and loss of Polish citizenship is regulated by the Law on Polish citizenship of April 2nd, 2009 (Ustawa o obywatelstwie polskim z dnia 2 kwietnia 2009 r., z późniejszymi zmianami, Dz. U. z dnia 14 lutego 2012 r.).
These are following ways to acquire Polish citizenship:
by birth to a Polish citizen, by birth/ being found on Polish soil, by adoption, by restoring Polish citizenship, by granting Polish citizenship, by naturalization.
For our clients, the most important way to acquire Polish citizenship will be by naturalization. As per Polish law, a foreigner living in Poland can under having fulfilled specific obligations receive Polish citizenship. The decistion to grant Polish citizenship to a foreigner living in Poland can be granted by District Provincial Governor (Wojewoda).