Entries by divorce12

Concubinage: In Which Way is It Different From Marriage?

In our modern world many couples live together without any formal marriage. That situation is described by an old Latin term “concubinage” meaning a civil union of two citizens wishing to build up a common life, however, without getting married. The mentioned phenomenon still exists gaining more and more popularity. It is widely used in […]

How to Prove your Polish Citizenship?

Pursuant to article 14 of the Polish Law on Citizenship, any person who has at least one Polish parent is considered a Polish citizen. It means that in theory even those, who were born and are currently living abroad in mixed families, have a right to obtain Polish passport and be treated as Polish citizens.

Closed Sessions During the COVID Pandemic

Taking into account the spread of the Covid pandemic which slows down a normal functioning of all the institutions, the issue of court procedures is especially crucial. Is it obligatory to stand before the civil court at the time of COVID? What will be done in case the hearings can not be held at a […]

Should the Alimonies on Children be Always Paid in Money?

It goes without saying that maintenance obligation towards the children constitute a vital duty of the parents. This norm is fixed in article 133 of the Polish Family and Guardianship Code. As a rule, both spouses try to maintain financially their children life on the mutually agreed conditions.

Divorce proceedings: Is your Presence Obligatory?

Divorce cases constitute a significant part of the courts’ practice in Poland. In every divorce case several issues are of utmost importance: e.g. type of a divorce (at fault or no-fault), whether a spouse has given consent to divorce, whether spouses have any common children.